Blog Designs and Development Services
WordPress blog software is presently the most popular blog authoring Web application and arguably the most prolific. Being open source, the coding is open for developers and hackers to improve and customize for their own needs. When you hire us, you pay for the WordPress design and not the application. Unless you need custom PHP programming, you pay nothing for the software. WordPress is free though the purpose of “open source” is collaboration and supporting the programmer developers and its community is advised.
Like the Internet itself, blogs are another example of the collaborative nature of the Web. Basically speaking, an article (POST) is written which starts a threaded discussion (COMMENTS) that is usually written in response to the original article. The topic can be anything that fancies the author, who is usually the editor and Administrator of the blog with full permissions to assign different levels of control to various users. The permissions based framework allows Editors, Authors, Contributors and Subscribers to work in collaboration with each in order to maintain an active WordPress blog.
Written in PHP, it’s dynamically driven using MySQL as its primary database. The blog’s content is stored in a database and retrieved by the PHP scripts to display as required on the Web pages. There is no special programming knowledge needed to add new content. A WYSIWYG editor is built into the administrative interface that resembles a word processor, so you can style the text without HTML experience.
The User Interface Design of WordPress can be designed to resemble a traditional Website without any clue to the visitor that beneath the beautiful design is a powerful Web application. Recent WordPress designs that were created for our clientele include the following.
- Blog design and development using WordPress
- DataNet broadband website redesign built with WordPress
- Communications company website design